Cyber Cafe Software The Next Best Solution

The internet cafe business is now one of the most profitable businesses. The internet cafe business had a very humble beginning; there were times when these cafes had a small room with small number of computers and a low or moderate speed internet connection. But time has definitely changed now, now these cafes not only have large number of computers but with them large number of other facilities such as that of printers, scanners and fax. Most of the new internet cafes have now introduced the facility of games that are played on a network.

As a person who wants to invest in this business the main concern would be to have some check and balance technique that can ensure than none of the facility is not misused. Previously these owners had to rely on people for this purpose but now thanks to the new technology they can safely rely on cyber cafe software. Cyber cafe software can perform all these check and balances without even a single person. Since there are a large number of such software’s available in the market one can always get confused as to which software to buy? One of the best software’s available in the market today is Antamedia internet cafe software. It not only has all the basic necessities of cyber cafe software but in addition to that it is available at a very low cost. Just to check all the features of the software the company has provided the facility of a trial version of the software as well.

There are several great features of Antamedia internet cyber cafe. The first and foremost is that it offers the option for choosing various version of web browsers so that each and every customer can surf the internet with the web browser he or she is most comfortable with. In addition to this there is an option to add new software’s such Skype, Msn Messenger or Yahoo messenger. Good cyber cafe software such as Antamedia internet cafe software has the capability of running multiple types of programs such as internet, games or office and charge different prices for these different services.

Then there is the issue of privacy and secured internet connection for every user. Most of the beginners do not know that all their browsing is stored in the computer. Antamedia internet café software automatically deletes user history once the user has finished his session. In this way the privacy of the user remains secured.

It is a common practice that users download files from the internet. The cyber cafe software has the option of either disabling all downloads or save downloads in a partition that does not contain the operating system and other important files. This software automatically detects if a user has printed anything, in case he or she has it is charged automatically. Antamedia internet cyber café software also has a sale point at which one can order snacks and beverages. The list of items available at this sale point can be modified at any time.