Two identical houses sit side by side, walk into one and you feel comfortable and welcome.Walk into the second house and you feel ugh – uncomfortable? The people in both houses are friendly, the type of people you would like to get to know better.
What’s the difference?
The difference is the way the houses are talking about their occupants. The first house is decorated nicely and your eyes flow smoothly from place to place giving you that warm fuzzy feeling.
In the second house nothing flows together. Your eyes are constantly being stopped by an out of place window treatment or “thingie” that just doesn’t belong where it’s placed. This gives you an uncomfortable feeling – Do I really want to be here?
Here is a list of seven secrets of awesome home decorating the will 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 give your home that warm fuzzy feeling:
Secret #1. Don’t Sweat The Cost!
The reason I put “don’t sweat the cost” as the first secret is because that’s the number one reason I have heard through the years that people don’t decorate. It’s too expensive!
That’s about as far from the truth as you can get. In my thirty plus years of decorating, some of the best decorated homes were the ones that the owners spent hardly any money. Money is not the cure all for awesome decorating.
I have seen far too many homes where they spared no cost and decorated to the hilt. The result was a show place that you couldn’t be comfortable in if you cared to try.
Some of the greatest decorating treasures are in your mind – outside of the box – or down the street at the thrift store or “Good Will”.